Get Organized and Heal Your Trauma

Perpetrators are organized and we can be too! Get organized and heal systematically and inherently.

Have you noticed how perpetrators are the best liars? They organize their stories, they organize their crimes. Also, they get away with a lot of things while the organize their efforts with each other!

Can you imagine what wonders organizational skills can do for you? What about working together?

This is WHY Angela created Rockstar Reformers: and didn’t call it “Survivor Network” because we are not just survivors, we are Reformers reforming a very old crisis and it’s about time.

Being organized makes you a better warrior. We channel our energy to achieve bigger and more beautiful things for the world. We have better intentions and we drive a positive change in society. 

Organization skills help you be more productive, reduce stress, help you sleep better, and manage your diet effectively. Everything comes to a full circle and allows you to heal completely.

A mentor of Angela’s insisted she read WORK CLEAN and wow was he right. Apply the concepts of Working Clean to your healing and see an even bigger shift.

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves

Why I was Fired by Notre Dame


“Everything I do is a Sermon” - Angela Shelton