Moms!! Quit Soda and Lose Weight!

I am an actor and I am a Mom. If you lean towards the heavier side on the scale, you are probably like the old me. The same old me that was 40 pounds heavier.

I was at a school PTA meeting and all the moms sat together. All of them looked the same to me. I mean, if you tilt their chins up and switch their faces, you can hardly tell the difference.  The fat hanging on the cheeks, arms, and belly.

I noticed the common denominator among all of them was they each held one of those large plastic cups with a lid and a straw filled with soda.

Soda is worse than drinking a beer in my book. Soda makes you fat. If you want to get heavier, start drinking it! If you want to lose the excess, Quit drinking Soda right now. Put a plant in those plastic containers and have a healthier life. I can tell you this from experience. Trust me you will not regret it. 

Or drink all you want and do what you want.

Just know that everything you do affects everything else.

How did I gain that 40 pounds? Soda, wine, ice cream, and larger portions of everything. How did I lose that 40 pounds? I quit soda, wine, and daily ice cream and I danced.

Angela Shelton

Modeling a Ministry of Healing our FULL selves

A Golf Comedy Women Love!